Virtual PC 2007 - MS-DOS 6.22 Virtual Machine

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MS-DOS 6.22 in Virtual PC 2007: Download (5.3MB zip file)

Last updated: 12/03/2007
   MyVersion: 1.00
       Title: MS-DOS 6.22 with networking, a Virtural Machine in
              Microsoft Virtual PC 2007
      E-Mail: JayRO/at/

Disclaimer: This information is provided as reference ONLY.  It is my understanding
that this configuration is unsupported by Microsoft.  By using this configuration,
you agree to accept responsibility for any damage that may occur.  Use at your
own risk!

Copyrights: This download contains MS-DOS 6.22 software, which is copyrighted by
Micrsoft Corporation.  Therefore, this software only be used if you are a legel
owner of MS-DOS 6.22.  I believe we are free to use the MS-Client software, since
it is publicly available on the Microsoft FTP site.

Target audience: This Virtual machine (VM) is for system administrators that
require a MS-DOS solution for legacy applications in an Active Directory network,
and already own MS-DOS 6.22.

This took me a couple days to put this together.  If this saves you a bunch of time
and headache, let me know.  Of course, I am happy to take donations!  If you
redistribute this VM, then please include this ReadMe.txt file.

A special thanks goes out to Ben Armstrong and his "Virtual PC Guy's Weblog".

This Virtual machine (VM) has the following functionality:
- Network drive mapping.
- Share the C: drive of the VM to the network.
- CD-ROM is mapped as drive Z: (just a personal preference)
- Virtual PC FSHARE and IDLE is installed.
- Doskey and Mouse driver installed.
  (I did not bother with getting sound working)

The great part about using MS-Client networking is that even DOS 6.22 can read and
write NTFS volumes through a mapped drive!

For a bunch of reasons, I needed to get a DOS 6.22 VM running in Virtual PC 2007,
with all of the possible file access options.  Primarily, I needed to map drive
letters to shares on the server, and also to share the VM C: drive.

I installed from the original setup floppies:
- MS-DOS 6.22 (from the original setup floppies)
- Installed "Microsoft Client and Workgroup Add-On" for MS-DOS
  (from the original setup floppies)
- Merged the MS-Client software from the Windows NT 3.51 CD-ROM
  (also available from the Microsoft FTP site)
- There is also a PING and IPCONFIG utility
  (I don't recall if these were standard files).
- Installed the Virtual PC 2004 DOS Virtual Machine Add-ons
  (CDROM, FHSARE, IDLE, MOUSE and VMADD386) note: NOT supported by Microsoft.
This VM is setup for 8MB of RAM, 40MB of HDD (dynamic allocation).

Information on getting the DOS Additions from Virtual PC 2004.  Virutal PC Guy,
Ben Armstrong, has a ton of information for Virtual PC on his website!

The MSCLIENT portion that was included with Windows NT can be downloaded from:
(this VM has merged the WFW For DOS client, to get NET SHARE to work over TCP/IP).

The VM is configured to logon to a Windows 2003 AD Domain with the following
C: Drive ShareName: C-Drive
      ComputerName: DOS622x1
          UserName: Administrator
        DomainName: MYDOMAIN
These three settings are contained in C:\NET\SYSTEM.INI.  Actually I renamed the
SYSTEM.INI file to: _SYSTEM.INI, so that I could do a quick test in AUTOEXEC.BAT to
see if the file has been renamed yet.  You will need to edit and rename the file
before it will run from AUTOEXEC.BAT.

Also, you will need to edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT, near the end of the file.  Look for
the "net logon administrator..." line.  Note that I have "save password" set to
"NO", so make sure you type the username (and at boot, the password) correctly,
because whether right or wrong MS-Client will still respond with "The command
completed successfully".

Network logon will occur automatically from AUTOEXEC.BAT (net logon administrator..)
File sharing will automatically start from AUTOEXEC.BAT (net start server)
Drive G: will automatically map in AUTOEXEC.BAT to: \\server\share (net use ...)

If the drive letter maps without problems, but you get "Access Denied" errors
getting to network resources, you will probably need to review the article:
How to enable Windows 98/ME/NT clients to logon to Windows 2003 based Domains

And article:
How to upgrade Windows 2000 domain controllers to Windows Server 2003
This link will jump to the section "To disable SMB signing".

HOWEVER, BE CAREFUL with these settings!!  Read the article:
How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot with Security, Part 1
I recommend the settings "if server agrees" and "if client agrees".

A good informational article about Microsoft Networking:
Chapter 23 - Windows 2000 Professional on Microsoft Networks

This VM is setup for a DHCP server on the LAN (possibly without any router hops),
you do have the option of editing the PROTOCOL.INI file for a static IP.  You will
probably also need to have a WINS server on the LAN, for name resolution (probably
having any machine on the LAN acting as a browse master would suffice).

I have used this solution in the past getting real DOS based CNC machine controllers
to see the network, but "Microsoft Workgroup Add-On for MS-DOS and Mail" required
NetBUEI.  (Yes, the Add-On supported Mail access, but I believe that was old WFW
Post Office mail, I never attempted to use that feature).

WARNING: there were a couple times we corrupted a file by powering off the MS-Client
machine while a file was unkowingly being transferred to it.  If you are not sure a
file is being delivered through the share, then you are encouraged to use:
NET STOP SERVER before powering off the machine.

With the advent of "Microsoft Network Client Version 3.0" found in Windows NT 3.5,
NT 3.51, and NT 4.0, we were now given a TCP/IP driver!  Beware: I have now idea
what damage might be caused by the merging of these 2 different versions of MS-DOS
client.  It seems that these two products use the same version, doing a NET VER
command from either product returns the identical response:
Microsoft Client - Full Redirector & Server. Microsoft Workgroup Add-On for
MS-DOS. Version 3.11
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1993-1994.      All rights reserved.

MEMMAKER was used to optimize memory usage, but with all of these options, there
is ONLY 375KB of convention memory left.  I intend to use this VM as sort of my
'master VM', and copy this VM to suit, removing unneeded functionality to free up
more memory per the requirements of the VM.

If you are planning on re-running MEMMAKER, here are some tips:
- to keep MEMMAKER from moving VMADD386.SYS in config.sys, I added to the end of the
  MEMMAKER.INF file (in the DOS directory): ^VMADD386
- MS-Client will try to self-load into upper memory, so I added several MS-Client
  pieces to the MEMMAKER.INF file to tell MEMMAKER to ignore when optimizing.
- MEMMAKER will fail if sharing is active, to stop type: NET STOP SERVER,
  and rem out the NET START SERVER from AUTOEXEC.BAT (it won't work to disable the
  NET command in MEMMAKER.INF, as we need the NET START command to work).

Unless you intend to run a relatively small MS-DOS application, I do NOT recommend
leaving all of the TSR's installed!

Copyright © 1996-2025 Ohman Automation Corp. All rights reserved.