Primary Goal: steps for creating a free Hyper-V environment (for hosting Microsoft Small
Business Server (SBS) 2008 & 2011 Standard Edition in a virtual machine (VM)).
For our small business customers tight on funds and with relatively light server needs, we feel a server
using SATA drives is a cost effective solution. Considering the cost of 500GB and 1TB drives, ordering 3
drives for a RAID1 + HotSpare configuration is quite economical with reasonably decent performance. The
motherboard we choose was the SuperMicro X8SIL-F which utilizes the Intel 3420 chipset with built-in RAID
Most of our customers are a good fit for the Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2008/2011
Standard Edition Operating System. We decided the many benefits of running SBS in a virtual machine warranted
testing a SBS install in a (free) Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Virtual Machine (VM).
<BeginRant> It is very frustrating that Microsoft won't allow a free host install of Server 2008 R2
(with just Hyper-V Role) with the SBS 2008/2011 Standard OS! Being able to manage a host server from the GUI
would make so much more sense for the small business!<EndRant> But I am certainly not the first to
lament this issue.
With the free Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 SP1, Microsoft has included a very nice menu driven sconfig.cmd utility.
Configuration of the Hyper-V Server was a snap! I was truly impressed! Complete install and setup of the
server, from first power-on to configuring a Virtual Machine took less than an hour. Judging from all the
posts out there, I think I am fortunate my first foray into free Hyper-V was with the SP1 version.
Setting up the administrative workstation was a little more piece-meal for instructions, I couldn't find
a nice checklist of what steps to take with the workstation (hence the instructions below). The
administrative workstation took about a 1/2 hour, not counting software download times.
A tip about permissions and usernames:
Regardless of whether you will be administering the Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2008 R2 Core
machine from an Administrative workstation or a full install of Server 2008, whatever username and password
you are logged in with at the remote machine be sure to create a Local Administrator account on the
Hyper-V / Core machine with indentical username and password. This may be a security risk for
deployment and will probably need to be changed, but for initial setup and configuration you will save a
lot of headaches with matching username and password. I had no problems administering this workgroup
Hyper-V / Core machine from a Domain Controller on the same LAN logged in with a domain administrator
account, just make sure the Hyper-V / Core machine has the same username and password.
Note: This page is also a check-list for staff, some day I'll break out that information.

Set priority of Virtual CDROM (internal use)

Set Virtual CDROM 1st Boot Device (internal use)

Pick Operating System

First Login
Download .ISO file
Free Microsoft® Hyper-V™ Server 2008 R2 SP1 is available from the
Microsoft Download Center,
you may want to verify that this is the most current version.
Setup - SuperMicro X8SIL-F (staff use)
Tip: connect the IPMI NIC to the LAN, boot up the server, go into the BIOS to see what address was
picked by IPMI: Advanced > IPMI Configuration > Set LAN Configuration, you will see the IP picked up
by DHCP. Then you can go back to your workstation and use the SuperMicro IPMI View utility to KVM over IP
control the system. To install the Operating System from the downlaoded .ISO file, don't forget to use the
"Virtual Media" option to map the installation .ISO file as a connected DVD-ROM drive. Reboot and configure
the hard drives <Ctrl+I> for RAID1 (Mirror).
BIOS Changes
Boot Feature
Quiet Boot [Disabled]
Power Button Function
[4 Seconds Override]
Processor & Clock Options
Intel(R) C-STATE tech [Disabled]
Chipset Control
Intel VT-d [Enabled]
SATA/Floppy Configuration
Configure SATA as [RAID]
PCH Raid CodeBase [Intel]
PCI/PnP Configuration
Plug & Play O/S [Yes]
Load Onboard LAN 1 Option Rom [Enabled]
(when PXE Boot is desired)
IPMI Configuration
Set LAN Configuration
(usually best to set static IP)
Boot Device Priority
1st Boot Device [USB:ATEN Virtual CDROM]
Install Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 SP1
(public information)
- Boot to Windows Setup
- Select the operating system (only 1 choice) Hyper-V R2
- Create partitions for OS, for Hyper-V make a 40GB partion
- Install
- After files are copied, during reboot go into BIOS:
1st Boot Device: [RAID:Intel Volume0]
all other Boot Device: [Disabled]

First Use
First Use
Prompted to change password before logging on the first time
Server Configuration utility (blue window menu)
Configure the options:
2) Computer Name
assign ComputerName: ServerV
(your choice)
** Reboot **
3) Add Local Administrator
same Username/Password as login for Administrative
Workstation (AW), for easy Remote Administration
4) Configure Remote Management
Choose options 1 thru 3
1) Allow MMC Remote Mangement
2) Enable Windows PowerShell
3) Allow Server Manager Remote Management
5) Windows Update Settings8
(skip for now)
6) Download and Install Updates
(skip for now)
7) Remote Desktop:
2) Allow clients running any version of Remote Desktop
(less secure)
Command window (black window)
Change the command window properties (per normal)
Share the C-Drive and configure permissions
C:\>net share C-Drive=C:\ /GRANT:Administrators,FULL
--(interestingly, now ping to ServerV replies)
--From the AW (Administrative Workstation), use Windows Explorer to browse the server: \\ServerV\C-Drive
--(this will authenticate the workstation, for easier opening of tools)
--AW, Computer Manger, connect to ServerV
----Use System Tools > Shared Folders > Shares
------verify permissions (and disable caching) on C-Drive share
------(more interestingly, the annoying "Everyone" group is not in the ACL list!)
Check and update Intel RAID Driver
Detailed Reference and good download of driver and utility:
Managing Intel Rapid Storage from command line on Hyper-V Server 2008 R2
Note: Utility version must match driver version to manage IRST!
--From AW, Make directory on ServerV C:\IntelUtil and extract .zip file contents to it.
--Copy files from \IntelUtil\AHCI_Intel_10.0.0.1046_W7x64\RAIDCFG32 to top directory: \IntelUtil
--Verify mis-match of driver version:
C:\>\IntelUtil\RaidCfg32.exe /i | more
Version Tables:
Driver Version: <---- needs to be
OROM Version:
App Version:
Version Check Failure: RaidCfg does not match driver
...... snip ......
--change to 64-bit drivers directory and use pnputil to install V10.0.0.1046 drivers.
C:\>cd \IntelUtil\AHCI_Intel_10.0.0.1046_W7x64\Drivers\x64
C:\IntelUtil\AHCI_Intel_10.0.0.1046_W7x64\Drivers\x64>pnputil -i -a iaStor.inf
Microsoft PnP Utility
Processing inf : iaStor.inf
Successfully installed the driver on a device on the system.
Driver package added successfully.
Published name : oem0.inf
Total attempted: 1
Number successfully imported: 1
(pop-up box: confirm OK to install SW from Intel)
--Verify match of Intel driver version
C:\>\IntelUtil\RaidCfg32.exe /i | more
Version Tables:
Driver Version:
OROM Version:
App Version:
...... snip ......
Configure tools to work from Administrative Workstation (AW)
Get Device Manger working on AW, change Plug and Play Group Policy on ServerV from AW
--On AW, command: MMC
--File > Add/Remove Snap-ins...
----Add snap-ins: Computer Manger, Group Policy Object Editor, Hyper-V Manager,
Windows Firewall With Advanced Security
----(add 4 snap-ins, for handy remote management of almost all tasks)
------For all snap-ins, choose "other computer" ServerV
----Reference with screen-shots: Remotely Manage Devices in Windows 2008 Server Core
--File > Save As... (recommended to keep this custom MMC for ServerV)
--ServerV Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Device Installation >
Allow remote access to the Plug and Play interface: Enabled
--(close and re-open Custom MMC to save policy change?)
--On ServerV, command: gpupdate
Verify on AW that all snap-ins work:
--Event Viewer, Device Manger, Disk Mangement, Services, Hyper-V Manger, Windows Firewall
Clean-up tasks on ServerV
--Use AW MMC to:
----Make swapfile partition (Drive S:)
----Make data partition (Drive D:)
----On ServerV, move swapfile to S: Drive, commands:
C:\>wmic.exe pagefileset create name="S:\pagefile.sys"
C:\>wmic.exe pagefileset where name="S:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=16384,MaximumSize=16384
C:\>wmic.exe computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False
C:\>wmic.exe pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" delete
C:\>wmic.exe pagefileset
C:\>wmic.exe pagefile
AllocatedBaseSize Caption CurrentUsage Description InstallDate
Name PeakUsage Status TempPageFile
16375 C:\pagefile.sys 0 C:\pagefile.sys 2011103121433
7.590021-420 C:\pagefile.sys 0 FALSE
C:\>wmic.exe pagefileset create name="S:\pagefile.sys"
Instance creation successful.
C:\>wmic.exe pagefileset where name="S:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=
Updating property(s) of '\\SERVERV\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_PageFileSetting.Name="S:\\pa
Property(s) update successful.
C:\>wmic.exe computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticMa
Updating property(s) of '\\SERVERV\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name="SERVERV
Property(s) update successful.
C:\>wmic.exe pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" delete
Deleting instance \\SERVERV\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_PageFileSetting.Name="C:\\pagefile.
Instance deletion successful.
C:\>wmic.exe pagefile
AllocatedBaseSize Caption CurrentUsage Description InstallDate
Name PeakUsage Status TempPageFile
16375 C:\pagefile.sys 0 C:\pagefile.sys 2011103121433
7.590021-420 C:\pagefile.sys 0 FALSE
After Reboot, verify pagefile is moved to S: drive
(for some reason, the create and config on S: drive didn't take, I had to issue commands again)
Page files in Server Core
Install Core Configurator (optional)
A handy tool that can be run on the free Hyper-v / Core server is Core
Configurator. I was able to mount the downloaded .ISO and extracted to:
\\ServerV\C-Drive\Program Files (x86)\Core Configurator
then to launch the tool on the server:
"\Program Files (x86)\Core Configurator\Start_Coreconfig.wsf"
Server ToDo List:
Change IPMI IP address to static
Change Hyper-V Host server to static IP
The things that are better left unspoken:
Ohman Automation Corp:
Workstation setup notes:
- Install the "Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7"
- Save to workstation "hvremote.wsf" from the Hyper-V Remote Management Configuration Utility
- Commands to make cscript the default script (optional), and configure workstation using hvremote:
cscript //H:CScript
hvremote /AnonDCOM:grant
hvremote /mmc:enable
C:\>cscript //H:CScript
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The default script host is now set to "cscript.exe".
C:\>hvremote /AnonDCOM:grant
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hyper-V Remote Management Configuration & Checkup Utility
John Howard, Hyper-V Team, Microsoft Corporation.
Version 0.7 7th August 2009
INFO: Computername is WIN7PRO1
INFO: Computer is in workgroup WORKGROUP
INFO: Current user is Win7Pro1\OACAdmin
INFO: Assuming /mode:client as the Hyper-V role is not installed
INFO: Build 7601.17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
INFO: Detected Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2 OS
INFO: This appears to be a server SKU
INFO: Obtaining current Machine Access Restriction...
INFO: Examining security descriptor
INFO Granted Remote DCOM Access to Anonymous Logon
WARN: See documentation for security implications
INFO: Are running the latest version
C:\>hvremote /mmc:enable
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hyper-V Remote Management Configuration & Checkup Utility
John Howard, Hyper-V Team, Microsoft Corporation.
Version 0.7 7th August 2009
INFO: Computername is WIN7PRO1
INFO: Computer is in workgroup WORKGROUP
INFO: Current user is Win7Pro1\OACAdmin
INFO: Assuming /mode:client as the Hyper-V role is not installed
INFO: Build 7601.17514.amd64fre.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
INFO: Detected Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2 OS
INFO: This appears to be a server SKU
INFO: MMC Firewall exception changes OK.
INFO: Are running the latest version
Command to open firewall so Disk Management snap-in will work from workstation:
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Volume Management" new enable=yes
C:\Profiles\OACAdmin>netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Volume Ma
nagement" new enable=yes
Updated 6 rule(s).
(don't copy/paste from the psuedo-Command text shown here, there is an embedded <Enter> character in
the word "Management"!)
- started the service and set to Auto startup: Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
- enable Negotiate for all workgroup machines:
C:\>winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="<local>"}
NetworkDelayms = 5000
URLPrefix = wsman
AllowUnencrypted = false
Basic = true
Digest = true
Kerberos = true
Negotiate = true
Certificate = true
CredSSP = false
HTTP = 5985
HTTPS = 5986
TrustedHosts =
Remote Administration Bliss!!

Custom MMC on Administrative Workstation
Administering from another Windows Server 2008 R2 machine:
My first run at remotely administering this new server was from a Domain Controller. That was before I
found the "hvremote" utility. I believe the same instructions can be used on a 2008 R2 server (with GUI)
as listed above for Workstation setup, skipping of course the first step of "Install Server Administration