Quick reference, email attachment.
List of file types.
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More information, email attachment safety.
Ending Letters |
Description of file |
Safety Rating |
| |
.alx |
HTML Layout |
Caution, low risk |
.asp |
Active Server Page, web page definition |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.au |
audio, basic |
Safe, common |
.avi |
video |
Safe, common |
.bas |
script, Basic programming lanquage |
Dangerous, Common |
.bat |
script, DOS batch file |
Dangerous, Common |
.bin |
application/octet-stream" |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.bmp |
image, bit-map |
Safe, common |
.c |
programming, C++ |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.cab |
compressed file storage |
Caution, may contain infected files |
.cda |
audio, CD format |
Safe, non-standard |
.cdr |
data, Corel Draw |
Safe, common |
.chf |
PCAnywhere, remote control config |
Safe, non-standard |
.cmd |
script, advanced batch file |
Dangerous, Common |
.com |
program, older DOS |
Dangerous, Common |
.cpl |
Control Panel application |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.cur |
Cursor (pointer) definition |
Caution, low risk |
.dic |
Dictionary |
Caution, low risk |
.dll |
program helper file (Dynamic Link Library) |
Dangerous, Common |
.doc |
MS Word Document |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.dot |
MS Word Template, for starting a new document |
Caution, low risk |
.drw |
CAD, drawing file |
Safe, common |
.dwg |
CAD, Adobe Illustrator, drawing file |
Safe, common |
.dxf |
CAD, universal Data eXchange Format |
Safe, common |
.eml |
Microsoft Internet Mail Message |
Dangerous, Common |
.eps |
image, post script |
Safe, common |
.exe |
program, 'executable' |
Dangerous, Common |
.fav |
Outlook Navigator Bar File |
Caution, could activate local program |
.gif |
image, internet |
Safe, common |
.grp |
windows program manager file |
Caution, could activate local program |
.gtar |
compressed file storage |
Caution, may contain infected files |
.gwf |
PCAnywhere Gateway File |
Safe, non-standard |
.gz |
compressed file storage |
Caution, may contain infected files |
.hlp |
help file |
Safe, non-standard |
.ht |
Hyperterminal setting file |
Safe, non-standard |
.htm |
web page, Hyper Text Markup File |
Caution, low risk |
.html |
web page, Hyper Text Markup File |
Caution, low risk |
.ico |
icon file |
Safe, common |
.img |
image file |
Safe, common |
.inf |
information file, usually for install |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.ini |
initialization information, settings |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.iso |
CD-Recordable image |
Safe, non-standard |
.java |
programming, internet universal scripting |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.jpeg |
image, internet |
Safe, common |
.jpg |
image, internet |
Safe, common |
.js |
programming, javascript (see .java) |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.jse |
scipt |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.ldb |
MS Access, lock file |
Safe, non-standard |
.lnk |
link - shortcut definition |
Caution, could activate local program |
.log |
log file - generic |
Safe, common |
.mdb |
MS Access, database file |
Safe, common |
.mde |
MS Access, database file (can't change design) |
Safe, common |
.mdw |
MS Access, workgroup security file |
Safe, non-standard |
.mid |
audio, MIDI file |
Safe, common |
.midi |
audio, MIDI file |
Safe, common |
.mov |
movie, quicktime format |
Safe, common |
.movie |
movie, sgi format |
Safe, common |
.mp1 |
audio, mpeg format |
Safe, common |
.mp2 |
audio, mpeg format |
Safe, common |
.mp3 |
audio, mpeg format |
Safe, common |
.mpeg |
video, MS format |
Safe, common |
.mpg |
video, MS format |
Safe, common |
.msg |
message file |
Safe, common |
.msi |
MS installer, package information |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.msp |
MS installer, patch information |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.nws |
Microsoft Internet News Message |
Safe, common |
.obd |
MS Office Binder |
Safe, common |
.oft |
MS Outlook Template |
Caution, low risk |
.pbk |
phone book, Dial Up Networking & others |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.pcl |
output to printer, HP |
Safe, non-standard |
.pcx |
image, black & white (fax) |
Safe, common |
.pdd |
image, Photo Deluxe format |
Safe, common |
.pdf |
Acrobat Reader document, Adobe Portable Document Format |
Safe, common |
.pic |
image |
Safe, common |
.pif |
program start information file |
Dangerous, Common |
.pl |
PERL programming, UNIX internet server script |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.pot |
MS Powerpoint Template |
Caution, low risk |
.pps |
MS Powerpoint Slide Show |
Safe, common |
.ppt |
MS Powerpoint data file |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.pub |
MS Publisher data file |
Safe, common |
.qbb |
Intuit Quick Books Backup file |
Safe, common |
.qbw |
Intuit Quick Books work file |
Safe, common |
.qdb |
Intuit Quicken data file |
Safe, common |
.ra |
RealPlayer, real audio information |
Safe, common |
.reg |
Windows registry, import/export data |
Dangerous, Common |
.scr |
screen saver file |
Dangerous, Common |
.sct |
programming, scriptlet file" |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.shtml |
web page, Secure Hyper Text Markup File |
Caution, low risk |
.snd |
audio |
Safe, common |
.sys |
system information file |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.tar |
compressed file storage (UNIX) |
Caution, may contain infected files |
.text |
plain text |
Safe, common |
.tga |
image |
Safe, common |
.tgz |
compressed file storage (UNIX) |
Caution, may contain infected files |
.tif |
image |
Safe, common |
.tsv |
tab seperated values |
Safe, common |
.ttf |
True Type Font |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.txt |
plain text |
Safe, common |
.url |
Internet Shortcut |
Caution, could activate local program |
.uu |
UUEncode, internet transfer format for all files |
Caution, may contain infected files |
.vbe |
programming, Visual Basic Scripting |
Dangerous, Common |
.vbs |
programming, Visual Basic Scripting |
Dangerous, Common |
.vir |
Norton anti-virus definition file |
Caution, local settings could be altered |
.wav |
audio |
Safe, common |
.wb2 |
spreadsheet, Quattro |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.wbk |
MS Word, backup file |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.wiz |
MS Word, wizard defination |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.wk4 |
spreadsheet, Lotus 123 |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.wks |
spreadsheets, MS Excel worksheet |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.wma |
audio |
Safe, common |
.wmf |
MS windows metafile |
Safe, common |
.wpd |
Word Perfect document |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.wri |
document, MS Write |
Safe, common |
.wsc |
scriptlet file |
Dangerous, Common |
.wsf |
Script |
Dangerous, non-standard |
.wsh |
programming, windows scripting |
Dangerous, Common |
.xlk |
MS Excel, backup file |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.xls |
MS Excel, spreadsheet book |
Caution, may contain nasty programming |
.xlt |
MS Excel, new spreadsheet template |
Safe, non-standard |
.xml |
web page, Extended Markup Lanquage |
Caution, could activate local program |
.z |
compressed file storage (UNIX) |
Caution, may contain infected files |
.zip |
compressed file storage |
Caution, may contain infected files |