Email attachments - file type list

Quick reference, email attachment.
List of file types.

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More information is available at my More information, email attachment safety.

Description of file Safety Rating

.alx HTML Layout Caution, low risk
.asp Active Server Page, web page definition Caution, may contain nasty programming
.au audio, basic Safe, common
.avi video Safe, common
.bas script, Basic programming lanquage Dangerous, Common
.bat script, DOS batch file Dangerous, Common
.bin application/octet-stream" Dangerous, non-standard
.bmp image, bit-map Safe, common
.c programming, C++ Dangerous, non-standard
.cab compressed file storage Caution, may contain infected files
.cda audio, CD format Safe, non-standard
.cdr data, Corel Draw Safe, common
.chf PCAnywhere, remote control config Safe, non-standard
.cmd script, advanced batch file Dangerous, Common
.com program, older DOS Dangerous, Common
.cpl Control Panel application Dangerous, non-standard
.cur Cursor (pointer) definition Caution, low risk
.dic Dictionary Caution, low risk
.dll program helper file (Dynamic Link Library) Dangerous, Common
.doc MS Word Document Caution, may contain nasty programming
.dot MS Word Template, for starting a new document Caution, low risk
.drw CAD, drawing file Safe, common
.dwg CAD, Adobe Illustrator, drawing file Safe, common
.dxf CAD, universal Data eXchange Format Safe, common
.eml Microsoft Internet Mail Message Dangerous, Common
.eps image, post script Safe, common
.exe program, 'executable' Dangerous, Common
.fav Outlook Navigator Bar File Caution, could activate local program
.gif image, internet Safe, common
.grp windows program manager file Caution, could activate local program
.gtar compressed file storage Caution, may contain infected files
.gwf PCAnywhere Gateway File Safe, non-standard
.gz compressed file storage Caution, may contain infected files
.hlp help file Safe, non-standard
.ht Hyperterminal setting file Safe, non-standard
.htm web page, Hyper Text Markup File Caution, low risk
.html web page, Hyper Text Markup File Caution, low risk
.ico icon file Safe, common
.img image file Safe, common
.inf information file, usually for install Caution, local settings could be altered
.ini initialization information, settings Caution, local settings could be altered
.iso CD-Recordable image Safe, non-standard
.java programming, internet universal scripting Dangerous, non-standard
.jpeg image, internet Safe, common
.jpg image, internet Safe, common
.js programming, javascript (see .java) Dangerous, non-standard
.jse scipt Dangerous, non-standard
.ldb MS Access, lock file Safe, non-standard
.lnk link - shortcut definition Caution, could activate local program
.log log file - generic Safe, common
.mdb MS Access, database file Safe, common
.mde MS Access, database file (can't change design) Safe, common
.mdw MS Access, workgroup security file Safe, non-standard
.mid audio, MIDI file Safe, common
.midi audio, MIDI file Safe, common
.mov movie, quicktime format Safe, common
.movie movie, sgi format Safe, common
.mp1 audio, mpeg format Safe, common
.mp2 audio, mpeg format Safe, common
.mp3 audio, mpeg format Safe, common
.mpeg video, MS format Safe, common
.mpg video, MS format Safe, common
.msg message file Safe, common
.msi MS installer, package information Caution, local settings could be altered
.msp MS installer, patch information Caution, local settings could be altered
.nws Microsoft Internet News Message Safe, common
.obd MS Office Binder Safe, common
.oft MS Outlook Template Caution, low risk
.pbk phone book, Dial Up Networking & others Caution, local settings could be altered
.pcl output to printer, HP Safe, non-standard
.pcx image, black & white (fax) Safe, common
.pdd image, Photo Deluxe format Safe, common
.pdf Acrobat Reader document, Adobe Portable Document Format Safe, common
.pic image Safe, common
.pif program start information file Dangerous, Common
.pl PERL programming, UNIX internet server script Dangerous, non-standard
.pot MS Powerpoint Template Caution, low risk
.pps MS Powerpoint Slide Show Safe, common
.ppt MS Powerpoint data file Caution, may contain nasty programming
.pub MS Publisher data file Safe, common
.qbb Intuit Quick Books Backup file Safe, common
.qbw Intuit Quick Books work file Safe, common
.qdb Intuit Quicken data file Safe, common
.ra RealPlayer, real audio information Safe, common
.reg Windows registry, import/export data Dangerous, Common
.scr screen saver file Dangerous, Common
.sct programming, scriptlet file" Dangerous, non-standard
.shtml web page, Secure Hyper Text Markup File Caution, low risk
.snd audio Safe, common
.sys system information file Caution, local settings could be altered
.tar compressed file storage (UNIX) Caution, may contain infected files
.text plain text Safe, common
.tga image Safe, common
.tgz compressed file storage (UNIX) Caution, may contain infected files
.tif image Safe, common
.tsv tab seperated values Safe, common
.ttf True Type Font Caution, local settings could be altered
.txt plain text Safe, common
.url Internet Shortcut Caution, could activate local program
.uu UUEncode, internet transfer format for all files Caution, may contain infected files
.vbe programming, Visual Basic Scripting Dangerous, Common
.vbs programming, Visual Basic Scripting Dangerous, Common
.vir Norton anti-virus definition file Caution, local settings could be altered
.wav audio Safe, common
.wb2 spreadsheet, Quattro Caution, may contain nasty programming
.wbk MS Word, backup file Caution, may contain nasty programming
.wiz MS Word, wizard defination Caution, may contain nasty programming
.wk4 spreadsheet, Lotus 123 Caution, may contain nasty programming
.wks spreadsheets, MS Excel worksheet Caution, may contain nasty programming
.wma audio Safe, common
.wmf MS windows metafile Safe, common
.wpd Word Perfect document Caution, may contain nasty programming
.wri document, MS Write Safe, common
.wsc scriptlet file Dangerous, Common
.wsf Script Dangerous, non-standard
.wsh programming, windows scripting Dangerous, Common
.xlk MS Excel, backup file Caution, may contain nasty programming
.xls MS Excel, spreadsheet book Caution, may contain nasty programming
.xlt MS Excel, new spreadsheet template Safe, non-standard
.xml web page, Extended Markup Lanquage Caution, could activate local program
.z compressed file storage (UNIX) Caution, may contain infected files
.zip compressed file storage Caution, may contain infected files
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