Alphabetical List of Windows Server 2003 Support Tools |
This page is intended to be an improvement on the MSDN page:
Alphabetical List of Tools
I am the type that greatly benefits from a brief description of each tool in a simple list.
These tools are installed from the Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM: \support\tools\suptools.msi
A |
| Acldiag.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | ACL Diagnostics |
| Addiag.exe |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Application Deployment Diagnosis |
| Adsiedit.msc Overview |
GUI | (is a MMC snap-in) |
| | Low-level editor for Active Directory |
| Apmstat.exe Overview |
cmd | Control Panel > Power Options |
| | Advanced Power Management Status |
B |
| Bindiff.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Binary File Difference Finder |
| Bitsadmin.exe Overview |
cmd | Runs as a service |
| | BITS Administration Utility (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) |
| Browstat.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Browser Status Utility |
C |
| Cabarc.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Cabinet Tool |
| Clonepr.vbs Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | ClonePrincipal, migrate NT4 users to 2000/2003 AD |
| Connstat.cmd Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | FRS Connection Status Report (File Replication Service) |
D |
| Dcdiag.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Domain Controller Diagnostic Tool |
| Depends.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | Dependency Walker, detailing dependent modules (including .exe, .dll, .ocx, and .sys, among others) |
| Devcon.exe Overview |
cmd | MMC, Device Manager |
| | Device Console Utility |
| Dfsutil.exe Overview |
cmd | MMC, Distributed File System Manager snap-in |
| | Distributed File System Utility |
| Dhcploc.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | DHCP Server Locator Utility |
| Diruse.exe Overview |
cmd | (some functionality in Windows Explorer) |
| | Directory Disk Usage |
| Dmdiag.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Disk Manager Diagnostics |
| Dnscmd.exe Overview |
cmd | MMC, Domain Name System snap-in |
| | DNS Server Troubleshooting Tool |
| Dnslint.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | DNS Lint, diagnose delegation and other DNS problems |
| Dsacls.exe Overview |
cmd | MMC, AD Tools, Properties > Security |
| | Display and edit the ACL for AD objects |
| Dsastat.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Directory Services Utility, diagnostic to compare AD data between DC's |
| Dskprobe.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | DiskProbe, directly edit, save, and copy data on a physical hard drive |
E |
| Efsinfo.exe Overview |
cmd | Encrypted File > Properties > Advanced>Details > Encryption Details |
| | Encrypting File System Information |
| Exctrlst.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | Extensible Performance Counter List |
F |
| Filever.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | File Version |
| Ftonline.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Fault Tolerant Disk Mounter |
G |
| Getsid.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Compares and Gets Security ID, (from 2 DC's, but same DC can be used) |
| Gflags.exe |
GUI | (similiar to discontinued tool Pageheap.exe) |
| | Global Flags Editor (with Page Heap Verification) |
H |
| Health_chk.cmd Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | FRS Health Check, File Replication Service |
| Httpcfg.exe Overview |
cmd | MMC, Inernet Information Services snap-in |
| | HTTP Configuration Utility |
I |
| Iologsum.cmd Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | FRS Inbound and Outbound Logs Summary Report Tool, use with NtfrsUtl |
| Iasparse.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | IAS Parse Tool, Internet Authentication Service |
K |
| Ksetup.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Kerberos Setup |
| Ktpass.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Kerberos Keytab Setup |
L |
| Ldp.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | LDP Tool, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client |
M |
| Memsnap.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Memory Profiling Tool, shapshot currently used resources |
| Movetree.exe |
cmd | MMC, AD Users and Computers snap-in |
| | Active Directory Object Manager, used only when Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) fails |
| Msicuu.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | Windows Installer Cleanup Utility |
| Msizap.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Windows Installer Zapper |
N |
| Netcap.exe Overview |
cmd | (some functionality of Netmon) |
| | Network Monitor Capture Utility |
| Netdiag.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Network Connectivity Tester |
| Netdom.exe Overview |
cmd | MMC, AD Users and Computers snap-in |
| | Windows Domain Manager, AD tools |
| Nltest.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Network testing, mostly related to NetLogon service |
| Ntfrsutl.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | File Replication Utility |
P |
| Poolmon.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Collect and report on memory usage |
| Portqry.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Port Query |
| Pviewer.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | Process Viewer, similar to pview.exe but can view remote computers |
R |
| Remote.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Remote Command Line |
| Repadmin.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Replication Diagnostics Tool, some similar functionality to Replmon |
| Replmon.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | Active Directory Replication Monitor |
| Rsdiag.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility |
| Rsdir.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Remote Storage File Analysis Utility |
S |
| Search.vbs.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Active Directory Search Tool |
| Sdcheck.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Security Descriptor Check Utility, display AD ACLs |
| Setspn.exe Overview |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts |
| showaccs.exe |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | Show access profile file |
| Sidwalker Tools |
cmd tools | No UI equiv. |
| | Set of programs helps manage access-control policies |
| Spcheck.exe Overview |
cmd | () |
| | Service Pack Checker |
T |
| Topchk.cmd |
cmd | No UI equiv. |
| | DFS and SYSVOL Replication Topology Analysis Tool |
W |
| Windiff.exe Overview |
GUI | (provides its own) |
| | File and Directory Comparison |
X |
| Xcacls.exe Overview |
cmd | Windows Explorer > File > Properties > Security |
| | Displays and modifies ACLs |