VBScript to create Active Server Page, based on a MS Access table.
' Creator: Jay Ohman, Ohman Automation Corp. - http://www.OhmanCorp.com
' Use of this information is strictly at your own risk, I/we can not be held liable for use of this information.
' The sharing of this information is allowed, with these notes intact.
' for more information, and introduction, see http://www.OhmanCorp.com/ADO-DBProps.asp
' quick make Active Server Page, based on a Database table
' this example just creates a page for displaying table data
' for functionality to: add, edit, delete records - send me an email: jayro at ohmancorp.com
' pass in the database fully-pathed-name, table name, and output path
' converts returned ColumnsSchema IntegerValue to DATA_TYPE name, MS Access values only
' for non MS Access DATA_TYPEs, see the database available at: http://www.OhmanCorp.com/ADO-DBProps.asp
' or the Microsoft website: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms675318.aspx
Function ConvertDataType( xVal )
  Select Case xVal
  Case 2
    ConvertDataType = "adSmallInt"
  Case 3
    ConvertDataType = "adInteger"
  Case 4
    ConvertDataType = "adSingle"
  Case 5
    ConvertDataType = "adDouble"
  Case 6
    ConvertDataType = "adCurrency"
  Case 7
    ConvertDataType = "adDate"
  Case 11
    ConvertDataType = "adBoolean"
  Case 17
    ConvertDataType = "adUnsignedTinyInt"
  Case 72
    ConvertDataType = "adGUID"
  Case 128
    ConvertDataType = "adBinary"
  Case 130
    ConvertDataType = "adWChar"
  Case 131
    ConvertDataType = "adNumeric"
  End Select
End Function

' all of this information is available in a downloadable table at http://www.OhmanCorp.com/ADO-DBProps.asp
' Assigns a 'class' for DATA_TYPE values, so auto-scripting knows to surround values with
'     special characters.  Example, dates: #01/01/2000# need pound signs around the value.
Function GetDataStyle( xVal )
  Select Case xVal
  Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 131  ' adSmallInt, adInteger, adSingle, adDouble, adCurrency,
                               ' adUnsignedTinyInt, adNumeric
    GetDataStyle = 1           ' numeric - don't surround value
  Case 7                       ' adDate
    GetDataStyle = 2           ' date/time - use # around value
  Case 11                      ' adBoolean
    GetDataStyle = 3           ' boolean - use TRUE or FALSE
  Case 130                     ' adWChar
    GetDataStyle = 4           ' text - use ' around value
  Case 72                      ' adGUID
    GetDataStyle = 5           ' GUID - can't edit in a web page (display only) - use ' around value
  Case 128                     ' adBinary
    GetDataStyle = 6           ' OLE Object - can't edit/display in a web page
  End Select

' All MS Access DataTypes: AccessType = DATA_TYPE = IntValue
' AutoNum LongInteger = adInteger = 3
' AutoNum RepID = adGUID = 72
' Currency = adCurrency = 6
' Date/Time = adDate = 7
' Hyperlink = asWChar = 130 (text)
' Memo = adWChar = 130
' Numeric Byte = adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
' Numeric Decimal = adNumeric = 131
' Numeric Double = adDouble = 5
' Numeric Integer = adSmallInt = 2
' Numeric Long Integer = adInteger = 3
' Numeric RepID = adGUID = 72
' Numeric Single = adSingle = 4
' OLEObject = adBinary = 128
' Text = adWChar = 130
' Yes/No = adBoolean = 11
End Function

' return the DataType symbol for this DataType
Function GetDataTypeSym( xVal )
  Select Case xVal
  Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 131  ' adSmallInt, adInteger, adSingle, adDouble, adCurrency,
                               ' adUnsignedTinyInt, adNumeric
    GetDataTypeSym = ""        ' numeric - don't surround value
  Case 7                       ' adDate
    GetDataTypeSym = "#"       ' date/time - use # around value
  Case 11                      ' adBoolean
    GetDataTypeSym = ""        ' boolean - use TRUE or FALSE
  Case 130                     ' adWChar
    GetDataTypeSym = "'"       ' text - use ' around value
  Case 72                      ' adGUID
    GetDataTypeSym = "'"       ' GUID - can't edit in a web page (display only) - use ' around value
  Case 128                     ' adBinary
    GetDataTypeSym = ""        ' OLE Object - can't edit/display in a web page
  End Select
End Function
' sample commands:
' cscript G:\usr\JayRO\cmd\MakeASP-DbCode.vbs P:\WWW\OACroot\SussexPlace_biz\bin\db\SPlace.mdb t_Calendar  &_
'     P:\WWW\OACroot\SussexPlace_biz\bin\db\x.asp
' cscript G:\usr\JayRO\cmd\MakeASP-DbCode.vbs G:\usr\ClientStuff\TransExp\UserList.mdb t_User    &_
'     G:\usr\ClientStuff\TransExp\dev\x.asp
' Good reference, SchemaEnum:  http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms675274.aspx
' Credit for ISAUTONUMBER property: Paul Clement, in forum: VBMonster.com
'     link: http://www.vbmonster.com/Uwe/Forum.aspx/vb-ado/2148/Identify-Autonumber-field-using-VB6

Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ReDim xColsCont(5 ,10), xKeysCont(5 ,10)
xContinue = -1

If oArgs.Count <> 3 Then                         ' Test for number of arguments
  WScript.Echo "3 arguments required, aborting script"
  xContinue = 0
End If

If xContinue Then
  xSourceDB = oArgs(0)
  xTableName = oArgs(1)
  xDestFile = oArgs(2)
  xDestDir = Left( xDestFile, InStrRev( xDestFile, "\"))
  If Not fso.FileExists(xSourceDB) Then          ' Test that the passed database exists
    WScript.Echo "Fully pathed source database not found, aborting script"
    xContinue = 0
  End If
  If Not fso.FolderExists(xDestDir) Then         ' Test that the destination directory exists
    WScript.Echo "Destination Directory not found, aborting script"
    xContinue = 0
  End If
  If Right(xDestFile, 4) <> ".asp" Then          ' Test that the destination file ends in .asp
    WScript.Echo "Destination File must end in   '.asp', aborting script"
    xContinue = 0
  End If
End If
If xContinue Then
  Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & xSourceDB
  Set TablesSchema = Conn.OpenSchema(20)         ' 20 = adSchemaTables
  TablesSchema.Filter = "TABLE_NAME = '" & xTableName & "'"
  If TablesSchema.EOF Then                       ' Test that the specified table exists
    WScript.Echo "Table " & xTableName & " not found, aborting script"
    xContinue = 0
  End If
End If
If xContinue Then                                ' All the tests passed, so continue
  WScript.Echo "Properties for table: " & TablesSchema("TABLE_NAME")

'-----------------------                         ' get the relationship information for the table
                                                 ' extract and combine Key info and ForeignKey info
                                                 ' somewhat of a hacked interpretation
  Set KeySchema = Conn.OpenSchema(8)             '  8 = adSchemaKeyColumnUsage
  Set RelSchema = Conn.OpenSchema(27)            ' 27 = adSchemaForeignKeys
  KeySchema.Filter = "TABLE_NAME = '" & xTableName & "'"
'  xRelCount = KeySchema.RecordCount             ' tried this, but always returns -1,
  xData = KeySchema.GetRows(-1)                   ' -1 = adGetRowsRest
  xRelCount = UBound(xData, 2) + 1               ' so get RecordCount this way
  ReDim Preserve xKeysCont(5, xRelCount)
  x = 0 : xPKCount = 0
  WScript.Echo "Relationship Information - (" & xRelCount & " relationships found)"
  WScript.Echo " LineNo  Table.Field  IsPrimKey  CountRelationUsage/SpecOneSideOfRelation"
  Do While Not KeySchema.EOF                     ' iterate through each relationship
    xKeysCont(0, x) = KeySchema("TABLE_NAME")
    xKeysCont(1, x) = KeySchema("COLUMN_NAME")
    If KeySchema("CONSTRAINT_NAME") = "PrimaryKey" Then
      xKeysCont(2, x) = TRUE                     ' Is PrimaryKey?
      RelSchema.Filter = "PK_TABLE_NAME = '" & KeySchema("TABLE_NAME") & "' AND PK_COLUMN_NAME = '" & _
          KeySchema("COLUMN_NAME") & "'"
      xRows = UBound((RelSchema.GetRows(-1)), 2) + 1
      xKeysCont(3, x) = xRows
      xKeysCont(2, x) = FALSE                     ' Is PrimaryKey?
      RelSchema.Filter = "FK_NAME = '" & KeySchema("CONSTRAINT_NAME") & "'"
      xKeysCont(3, x) = RelSchema.Fields("PK_TABLE_NAME")
      xKeysCont(4, x) = RelSchema.Fields("PK_COLUMN_NAME")
      xPKCount = xPKCount + 1
      xKeysCont(5, x) = xPKCount
    End If
    RelSchema.Filter = ""
    x = x + 1
  For x = 0 To (xRelCount - 1)                   ' now ouput the relationship information stored in the array
    If xKeysCont(2, x) Then
      If xKeysCont(3, x) = 1 Then xStr = " table)" Else xStr = " tables)"
      xStr = "(used in " & xKeysCont(3, x) & xStr
      xStr = xKeysCont(3, x) & "." & xKeysCont(4, x)
    End If
    WScript.Echo "  " & x & ") " & xKeysCont(0, x) & "." & xKeysCont(1, x) & ", " & _
        xKeysCont(2, x) & ", " & xStr & ", " & xKeysCont(5, x)

'-----------------------                         ' now get the column information for the table
  Set rst1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  StrSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & xTableName & ";"
  rst1.Open StrSQL, Conn, 3, 1                   ' Fetch the table as a recordset, to read ISAUTOINCREMENT prop
  Set ColumnsSchema = Conn.OpenSchema(4, Array(Empty, Empty, "" & TablesSchema("TABLE_NAME")))
                                                 '  4 = adSchemaColumns
  xData = ColumnsSchema.GetRows(-1)              ' -1 = adGetRowsRest
  xColCount = UBound(xData, 2) + 1
  ReDim Preserve xColsCont(5, xColCount)
  WScript.Echo "Column Information - (" & xColCount & " columns in table)"
  WScript.Echo " Ordinal  ColName  DataType  TextLen  IsAutoNum  IsConnected"
  Do While Not ColumnsSchema.EOF                 ' itereate through the desired properties for each column
    x = ColumnsSchema("ORDINAL_POSITION")        ' dumping the values into an array,
                                                 ' this will skip where x = 0
    xColsCont(0, x) = ColumnsSchema("ORDINAL_POSITION")
    xColsCont(1, x) = ColumnsSchema("COLUMN_NAME")
    xColsCont(2, x) = ColumnsSchema("DATA_TYPE")
    xColsCont(3, x) = ColumnsSchema("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH")
    xColsCont(4, x) = rst1.Fields(x-1).Properties("ISAUTOINCREMENT").Value
    If ColumnsSchema("COLUMN_DEFAULT") = "GenGUID()" Then xColsCont(4, x) = TRUE
    For y = 0 To (xRelCount - 1)
      If (xKeysCont(1, y) = xColsCont(1, x)) AND (Not xKeysCont(2, y)) Then _
          xColsCont(5, x) = y : Exit For
  Set rst1 = Nothing
  For x = 1 To xColCount                         ' now ouput the table-column information stored in the array
    WScript.Echo "  " & x & ") " & xColsCont(0, x) & ", " & xColsCont(1, x) & ", " & ConvertDataType(xColsCont(2, x)) & _
        ", " & xColsCont(3, x) & ", " & xColsCont(4, x) & ", " & xColsCont(5, x)

Else                                             ' handle bad parameter data
  WScript.Echo "invalid arguments" & vbCrLf
  WScript.Echo "purpose: quick make Active Server Page, based on a MS Access table"
  WScript.Echo "usage: MakeASP-DbCode.vbs FullyPathedDB-Name TableName OutputPath\FileName.asp"
  xContinue = 0
End If

Set rst1 = nothing
Set TableSchema = nothing
Set KeySchema = nothing
Set RelSchema = nothing
Set Conn = nothing

If Not xContinue Then
End If

WScript.Echo "Making ASP page..."

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set tf = fso.CreateTextFile( xDestFile , True)   ' Open the destination ASP (text) file
                                                 ' Create some very basic HTML top of page stuff
tf.WriteLine("<!doctype html public ""-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"">" & vbCrLf & _
    "<HTML>" & vbCrLf & "<HEAD>" & vbCrLf & _
    "  <TITLE>OAC - Display An Access Table - " & xTableName & " -</TITLE>" & vbCrLf & _
    "</HEAD>" & vbCrLf & "<BODY>" & vbCrLf & _
    "  <TABLE WIDTH=""100%"" BORDER=""1"" CELLPADDING=""0"" CELLSPACING=""0"">" & vbCrLf & _
    "    <TH COLSPAN=""" & xColCount & """>Listing all records and field properties,<BR>" & vbCrLf & _
    "      for table: " & xTableName & ",<BR>" & vbCrLf & _
    "      from database: " & xSourceDB & ".</TH>" & vbCrLf & _
    "    <TR><TD COLSPAN=""" & xColCount & """><B>Relationship Information</B></TD></TR>")
If xColCount > 3 Then xColSpanStr = "<TD COLSPAN=""" & xColCount - 3 & """>&nbsp;</TD>" Else xColSpanStr = ""
tf.WriteLine("    <TR><TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">Table.Field</TD><TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">IsPrimaryKey?</TD>" & vbCrLf & _
    "      <TD>Count Of Tables /or/ Specify One Side Of Relationship</TD>" & xColSpanStr & "</TR>")
For x = 0 To (xRelCount - 1)                     ' List relationship/key information
  tf.WriteLine("    <TR>" & vbCrLf & "      <TD ALIGN=""LEFT"">" & xKeysCont(0, x) & "." & xKeysCont(1, x) & _
      "</TD><TD ALIGN=""LEFT"">" & xKeysCont(2, x) & "</TD>" & vbCrLf & "      <TD ALIGN=""LEFT"">" & _
      xKeysCont(3, x) & "." & xKeysCont(4, x) & "</TD>" & xColSpanStr & "</TR>")
tf.WriteLine("    <TR><TD COLSPAN=""" & xColCount & _
    """><B>Create Dynamic HTML Table Code, from an Access Table.</B>" & vbCrLf & _
    " (IsConnected means this field is a ForeignKey Field)</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf & _
    "    <TR>")
For x = 1 To xColCount                           ' output each column name
  tf.WriteLine("      <TD ALIGN=""CENTER""><B>" & xColsCont(1, x) & "</B></TD>")
tf.WriteLine("    </TR>")
tf.WriteLine("    <TR>")
For x = 1 To xColCount                           ' output each column DataType
  If xColsCont(4, x) Then xStr = " - Auto" Else xStr = ""
  If xColsCont(2, x) = "adWChar" Then xStr = " - " & xColsCont(3, x)
  tf.WriteLine("      <TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & ConvertDataType(xColsCont(2, x)) & xStr & "</TD>")
tf.WriteLine("    </TR>")
tf.WriteLine("    <TR>")
For x = 1 To xColCount                           ' output IsConnected information
  y = xColsCont(5, x)
  If y = "" Then xStr = "&nbsp;" Else xStr = xKeysCont(3, y) & "." & xKeysCont(4, y)
  tf.WriteLine("      <TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & xStr & "</TD>")
tf.WriteLine("    </TR>")
                                                 ' output database connector and primary recordset connector
tf.WriteLine("<%" & vbCrLf & _
    "If IsObject(Session(""DB_conn"")) Then" & vbCrLf & _
    "  Set Conn = Session(""DB_conn"")" & vbCrLf & _
    "Else" & vbCrLf & _
    "  Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(""ADODB.Connection"")" & vbCrLf & _
    "  strSource = """ & xSourceDB & """" & vbCrLf & _
    "  strConn = ""Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="""""" & strSource & """"""""" & vbCrLf & _
    "  Conn.Open strConn" & vbCrLf & _
    "  ' Conn.Open ""DSN=YourDataSourceName""   ' for quick conversion to a DSN" & vbCrLf & _
    "  Set Session(""DB_conn"") = Conn" & vbCrLf & _
    "End If" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "Set rst0 = Server.CreateObject(""ADODB.Recordset"")" & vbCrLf & _
    "StrSQL = ""SELECT * FROM " & xTableName & ";""" & vbCrLf & _
    "rst0.Open StrSQL, Conn, 3, 1   '3=adUseClient, 1=adOpenForwardOnly" & vbCrLf)

  z = 0
  If xPKCount > 0 Then                           ' output recordset connector for fields that are many side of joins
    For x = 1 to xPKCount
      Do While xKeysCont(2, z)                   ' Find key entry where IsPrimKey = FALSE
        z = z + 1
      xPTable = xKeysCont(3, z)
      tf.WriteLine("Set rst" & x & " = Server.CreateObject(""ADODB.Recordset"")" & vbCrLf & _
          "StrSQL = ""SELECT * FROM " & xPTable & ";""" & vbCrLf & _
          "rst" & x & ".Open StrSQL, Conn, 3, 1" & vbCrLf)
      z = z + 1
  End If

tf.WriteLine ("Do While Not rst0.EOF %>" & vbCrLf & "    <TR>")
For x = 1 To xColCount                           ' output field display coding
  xStr = ""
  If xColsCont(5, x) <> "" Then
    y = xColsCont(5, x)                          ' which KeyRowNo?
    z = xKeysCont(5, y)                          ' which assigned xPKNumber?
    xPField = xKeysCont(4, y)
    xStr1 = GetDataTypeSym(xColsCont(2, x))
    xStr = "<%" & vbCrLf & "        rst" & z & ".Filter = """ & xKeysCont(4, y) & " = " & _
        xStr1 & """ & rst0(""" & xColsCont(1, x) & """) & """ & xStr1 & """" & vbCrLf & _
        "        xStr = rst" & z & "(1)" & _
        " %> [<%= xStr %>]"
  End If
  tf.WriteLine("      <TD><%= rst0(""" & xColsCont(1, x) & """) %>" & xStr & "</TD>")
tf.WriteLine ("    </TR><%" & vbCrLf & "  rst0.MoveNext" & vbCrLf & "Loop" & vbCrLf)

For x = 0 to xPKCount                            ' close all the open databases
  tf.WriteLine("rst" & x & ".Close")
tf.WriteLine("Set Conn = nothing" & vbCrLf & "%>")
tf.WriteLine("</BODY>" & vbCrLf & "</HTML>")


WScript.Echo "  Done"