IIS 6.0 Cheat Sheet

Change the identifier number for a website
From Command Prompt, in the AdminScripts directory:
cscript adsutil.vbs move W3SVC/<**LongNumber**> W3SVC/<NewShortNumber>

Configure the Web Site Identification Number (IIS 6.0) to be incremental
add value: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\InetMgr\Parameters\IncrementalSiteIDCreation (DWORD) = 1
Quick Add .reg file.

Create a self-signed SSL certificate.
Sample Syntax, from directory C:\Program Files\IIS Resources\SelfSSL:
selfssl.exe /N:CN=<host>.ohmancorp.com /S:<SiteNumber> /V:3650

The IIS Resource Kit can be downloaded from the Microsoft Site. (only the SelfSSL utility need be installed).

Copy a virtual directory from one site to another
From existing site, right-click the Virtual Directory, choose:
All Tasks > Save Configuration to a File...
Save the file to any convenient location.
In the new site, right-click the Site-Name choose:
New > Virtual Directory (from file)...
browse to the .xml file and click 'Read File', choose the Virtual Directory from the list.
(there is no need to edit the .xml file, the Virtual Directory will create under the new site just fine).

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