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Time Line

October 2nd through 4th, 2005 - Mated Keeta with Ringo, 3 times over 3 days.
December 3rd - (day 0) Litter is whelped, 8 weeks 6 days of gestation.
December 5th - (day 2) Litter taken to vet for checkup, dew claws removed.
December 6th - (day 3) Begin supplemental feeding with bottle.
December 7th - (day 4) Puppies assigned numbers with cloth collars, weight tracking begins.
December 10th - 1 Week Old
December 12th - (day 9) First attempts at walking.
December 16th - (day 13) Eyes beginning to open.
December 17th - 2 Weeks Old
December 18th - (day 15) First trip overnight, begin use of pool for pen.
December 22nd - (day 19) First bath, new collars.
December 23rd - (day 20) Puppies begin to play with each other.
December 24th - (day 21) Begin feeding from a dish.
December 24th - 3 Weeks Old
December 25th - (day 22) Pups begin to run/bounce around.
December 27th - (day 24) Replace pool with fencing.
December 30th - (day 27) Puppies push gate to pen open, jail-break, run around house.
December 31st - 4 Weeks Old
January 3rd, 2006 - (day 31) First time outside, instinctively deficate and urinate outside.
January 4th - (day 32) gate no longer effective, replaced with section of fencing.
January 6th - (day 34) Keeta starts to refuse suckling, plays with her pups.
January 7th - 5 Weeks Old
January 8th - (day 36) Pup's first experience with snow.
January 10th - (day 38) Pups seem poopie trained, 1 week with just 1 mess.

This time line in no way advocates the correct age for development stages, this is simply a chronicle of our experiences.

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